Civitans:Register Your Club with the FCIDD HERE
The Foundation for Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (FCIDD) is a public charity supporting thousands of individuals
with intellectual and developmental
disabilities (I/DD) and their families
through programmatic grants.
"Making Possibilities Happen"
Our service area includes the 15 states of Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, or West Virginia.
We are a small, grassroots, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization governed by a local volunteer board of directors appointed annually through FCIDD Participating Clubs.
While much of our funding is derived from interest on long-held investments, we receive some funding for the grants we provide from local Civitan clubs and we do seek donations from the general public.
Following in the footsteps of our founder, our goal is to support the organizations who are helping people with I/DD feel included, accepted, seen and embraced for who they are. We support seeing the person instead of the disability, to create a more compassionate, accepting world.
The 10th Annual Whit Mallory Golf Tournament
The 10th Annual Whit Mallory Golf Tournament is a wrap, and what a wonderful day it was! Pictured are some of the folks who were instrumental in making the day a huge success. Thank you to those on the Golf Committee! We raised over $15,000 in Baltimore on October 11th which will help support the IDD programs and people we are fortunate to know and fund.
Pictured are Whit Mallory Tournament chair, Joe O'Toole, recognizing the #One golf team at our tournament, D.F. Dent! Congratulations to Olivia, Vaughn, Mike and Tim on their great showing at Clifton Park Golf Course
The crew from Kessler Financial was our second place winners (and it was a close second, believe us!). So grateful for the support of FCIDD on a fun golf day!